Good Seeds, Better Yield



VNR Seeds, established in 1998 by a humble farmer Krishi Pandit Dr. Narayanbhai Chawda, is one of the leading and most trustworthy seeds company in central India. The company believes in creating a prosperous and knowledgeable farming community by sharing with fellow farmers every new breakthrough in seed technology in the form of the best quality planting material.


We envisage a knowledgeable and prosperous farming community where we can act as a major contributor by sharing the best in research technology and quality seeds that ensure optimal yield and also by sharing our own experience as fellow farmers.


Our mission is to give fellow farmers the best seeds that ensure maximum profit through optimum yield. Kisano ke hith mein (in the interest of farmers) is our mantra.

History of VNR

’Good Seeds, Better Yield'. This is the promise VNR makes and keeps to fellow farmers . And VNR's dedication to this vow comes from the history behind the making of this company and from the experiences of its founder, Dr. Narayanbhai Chawda, a farmer himself, who realized the hard way the importance of quality seeds.  FIND OUT MORE


The success of VNR is the result of the efforts of some of the best minds in the field of agriculture research and innovation, working together to accomplish company's mission of developing the high quality best seeds for Fellow Farmers.  FIND OUT MORE

Logo Genesis

The symbol at the heart of the logo is a sapling born from a seed. It represents the act of farming and nurturing life.
The next element in the logo is the means by which this nurturing is enabled — a drop of water, which represents the all important tool without which farming is unimaginable — irrigation.
And finally, the flowering which leads to the yield - the final outcome of a farmer’s untiring efforts. In short, the understanding of the life of a kisan which only VNR, essentially a family of farmers, can achieve.  


In order to assist the media learn more about the company, VNR has made available documents regarding its work, products and various events.For further queries, the management can be contacted at the address, phone numbers or e-mail ids provided below or in the Contact Us page.